Various tour cleanup
requested to merge 567-let-tour-what-s-new-connect-to-bento-components-managed-by-jquery into master
Related to #567 (closed)
- Solid blue/purple tour button
- Attach the tour to bento just by adding an entry in the localization file
- Remove hard-coding of tour step numbers. Instead of setting data-step, now set data-step-rank to an integer. The elements will be sorted first by step-rank, then by their order on the page. So you can just set basically everything to data-step-rank="1" and then higher numbers for the few header buttons you want to come last.
- Some tweaks to make elements look better when highlighted by the tour
- Move the step number badge to the bottom and/or right side of the element when it would otherwise be off the top or left of the screen
Edited by Josh Wier