Adjust iframe height of embedded search box when logo/url is removed - USG-INC0526018
<script src=""></script>
<div id="search_galileo"></div>
search_galileo( {
"instcode": "ath1",
"profile": "gpls_pines",
"advanced": 1,
"home": 1
} );
Currently, if you remove the "home" line of the GALILEO Search Box embed code, the GALILEO logo and URL are removed from the embedded search box, but the white space where it was remains. This has caused undesired white space on library page.
Would it be possible to have the iframe height adjust when the home parameter is removed?
In a side note, I thought that changing the home value from "home": 1 to "home": 0 would remove the logo/url, but it does not. The same for the advanced parameter. Is this expected?
Note: This was reported by Georgia Highlands
Edited by Sean Purcell