Login and links statistics output file formats
login stats
The output file is in CSV format.
The file name format is login.stats.Dyyyymmdd
login stats column headings
Session Id
- unique session id for the user
- current format (16 lowercase hex chars) does not need to be adhered to
Begin Time
- format is
yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss
- format is
- the "action" code for login stats is
- the "action" code for login stats is
- user's full IP number
- unique server id:
is the id forgalileofe03
- any unique code is probably acceptable, but for space, shorter is better
- unique server id:
Institution Code
- four-letter institution code: uppercased
login stats example data
$ head login.stats.D20200305
Session Id,Begin Time,Action,IP,Server,Institution Code
3f1d091d5409f0c4,20200305 00:00:01,_LOGIN,,18,VAL1
44de4f0da032c9a2,20200305 00:00:10,_LOGIN,,18,UGA1
1c3d053f0a0ac8a3,20200305 00:00:17,_LOGIN,,18,GAMC
4c9fec841b1b2a64,20200305 00:00:20,_LOGIN,,18,PUBL
1ef33878374c0d62,20200305 00:00:32,_LOGIN,,18,FLO1
7b360075ac123c66,20200305 00:00:37,_LOGIN,,18,ECOR
53a5dfb5a26e9240,20200305 00:00:45,_LOGIN,,18,FLO1
4e4539e07018ceaf,20200305 00:00:46,_LOGIN,,18,UGA1
41adba23ea1dd52a,20200305 00:00:46,_LOGIN,,18,FLO1
links stats
The output file is in CSV format.
The file name format is links.stats.Dyyyymmdd
(note: "links" not "link").
links stats column headings
Session Id
- unique session id for the user
- current format (16 lowercase hex chars) does not need to be adhered to
Begin Time
- format is
yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss
- format is
- the "action" code for links stats is
- the "action" code for links stats is
Database Name (misnomer: it's really the database code, not name)
- four-letter database code: uppercased
- unique server id:
is the id forgalileofe03
- any unique code is probably acceptable, but for space, shorter is better
- unique server id:
Institution Code
- four-letter institution code: uppercased
links stats example data
$ head links.stats.D20200305
Session Id,Begin Time,Action,Database Name,Server,Institution Code
3f1d091d5409f0c4,20200305 00:00:04,_LINK,COOK,18,VAL1
44de4f0da032c9a2,20200305 00:00:14,_LINK,COOK,18,UGA1
1c3d053f0a0ac8a3,20200305 00:00:17,_LINK,ZBDS:GPALS,18,GAMC
1ef33878374c0d62,20200305 00:00:35,_LINK,COOK,18,FLO1
7b360075ac123c66,20200305 00:00:40,_LINK,COOK,18,ECOR
53a5dfb5a26e9240,20200305 00:00:48,_LINK,COOK,18,FLO1
4e4539e07018ceaf,20200305 00:00:49,_LINK,COOK,18,UGA1
41adba23ea1dd52a,20200305 00:00:51,_LINK,COOK,18,FLO1
3d4e6270e71a82a4,20200305 00:00:57,_LINK,COOK,18,DAL1
Edited by Brad Baxter