Heading markup for Searching Help modal could be improved
From: crdl-blacklight#276
page: Global
link to row in spreadsheet
recommendation: Heading markup should be used according to its semantic meaning as opposed to its aesthetic value and should be nested properly. On the Searching Help modal, the "Searching Help" heading is marked up as a level 5 heading. The heading level immediately preceding it is a level one heading. Where there are skipped heading levels, screen reader users may assume that they are missing out on information or that the information following the latter heading is less important. We recommend reviewing the headings on each page and ensuring that they are nested properly (i.e. <h1> <h2> <h3>...<h6>).
To learn more about using h1-h6 headings, please review W3C's article on technique H42: http://w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Techniques/html/H42