The input for the search field on the Search page is using multiple accessible name schemes
link to row in spreadsheet
recommendation: An aria-label attribute can be used to give an element that does not use text an accessible name. Aria-labels override the computed name of a component so they should be used sparingly and only when text is not an option. Refer to this W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide article for more information about accessible names, "Providing Accessible Names and Descriptions" - In this instance there is a <label> tag associated with the input and an aria-label attribute on the input. Recommend removing the aria-label attribute. Suggest: <label for="q" class="sr-only">Search Box</label> <input name="q" type="text" id="q" class="form-control"> //Notice the placeholder text has been removed. Placeholder text should only be used to provide an example of the expected formatting or an example of the desired input for a field. Such as "mm/dd/yyyy" for a date.