There article cards included on the Collection page are using <header> tag inappropriately
link to row on spreadsheet
recommendation: A role attribute tells a screen reader how to identify a component. When a role is applied to a custom component is expected that it will behave the same as a semantic element with same role. Refer to this W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide article for more information about using ARIA properly, "W3C APG -> Read Me First" - In this instance the article cards contain <header> tags, but the enclosing <div> elements for the cards do not have appropriate roles. A page should only contain one <header> tag and additional <header> should be child elements of appropriate elements such as <article>, <section>, or <aside>. Refer to this Mozilla Developer Network article for more information about header, "MDN -. <header>: The Header element" - Recommend using <article> for these article cards or appling role="article" to the <div> tags.