Advanced search tips
Add to the top of the advanced search page:
Select "match all" to find records that contain all search terms in all fields
Select "match any" to find records with a value in at least one search field. (You must use “OR” between words or phrases in the same field)
Combine keywords and attributes to narrow results
Begin typing in attribute boxes to see matching options. (Enter “Ala” into the Holding insitution field to see all county options starting with or containing “Ala”)
Use quotation marks to search as a phrase
Use "+" before a term to make it required (Otherwise results matching only some of your terms may be included)
Use "-" before a word or phrase to exclude
Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" (must be capitalized) to create complex boolean logic
You can use parentheses in your complex expressions
Truncation and wildcards are not supported - word-stemming is done automatically
This Search -> Will Find
“Montgomery Bus Boycott” Records that have the exact phrase Montgomery Bus Boycott
Albany OR Augusta +integration Records with the word integration that also contain the words Albany and/or Augusta
King -Martin Records with the name King but not the name Martin
“Freedom Rides” AND Carter Records containing the phrase “Freedom Rides” and the name Carter
Selma AND (Lewis OR Williams) Records containing the words Selma and Lewis or Selma and Williams